Sunday, October 10, 2004

Traffic day

Today was a long day, a big traffic everywhere & many of road were closed bcz of threatens of terrorists...

I was late 10 min to the 1st lecture, but fortunatily the Doctor was late 30 min, so I was safe :) ,
in 9:30 am there was a voice of many ambulances reaching the hospital loaded with civilian victims of explosives that happened in Palastine St. & I knew they were 17 victims; I was very upset for that situation bcz I am a semi-doctor & I can't help :( .

In 2:20 pm there was 3 explosive sounds near the college , so we harry up & get out the college , in the way out we saw the columns of black smoke indicating that there was burning of oil (= the strike was on troops of multi-nationality forces), I tried to look at everybody face & I saw long faces telling that all Iraqies are so upset from this situation.

In the way back to home , I made a disscussion with my friends of the reasons of all of these explosion & kidnapping events that took care in our lovely country, there was a lot of different ideas but we all agreed finally that terrorism must be ended in Iraq by Peace or War, I suggested that those terrorism were from Iran & Syria to prevent Domocracy in Iraq, bcz if this experiment success, Syrian & Iranian people will think of this & revolute against these (dictator) governments, & also I think that these events that occure now adays is to prevent election.

Also there was a big traffic in the way back, so I entered the house in 3:40 pm & now as I am writing this, I am hearing a voice fire (bullet shot) near our house ,So I shall go now bcz it become serious :)


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